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Elvis Costello [live]
Villa Adriana - Tivoli (RM)
Elvis Costello [live]<br>
Villa Adriana - Tivoli (RM)<br>
Author Patrizio Maria
Author Patrizio Maria<br>

The beautiful and unusual setting of Villa Adriana in Tivoli is home to a British man born in London 50 years ago, his unique style of music, and bizarre chameleon, its elegance is underlined by this pair of black-framed glasses, which often make us think Buddy Holly of a day. Mr. Elvis Costello, the British singer-songwriter, colourful, outgoing and often comic shows in the Roman villa in a situation in memories, sound rural land and know things healthy. The concert is awaited sold out and what surrounds the stage is also very elegant, something sublime and romantic. An Englishman in Rome presented his latest album Secret, Profane & sugarcane that knows America and rivers of mud and whiskey. Bluegrass elegant, Nashville skyline from the sound, a short passage and perhaps prepared years ago so that Mr. Costello shortens the route between England and America. Songs that are contaminated by literature Nordic influences and Dylan, the songwriter does things that live well together and we are all curious to hear live.  
The beautiful and unusual setting of Villa Adriana in Tivoli is home to a British man born in London 50 years ago, his unique style of music, and bizarre chameleon, its elegance is underlined by this pair of black-framed glasses, which often make us think Buddy Holly of a day. Mr. Elvis Costello, the British singer-songwriter, colourful, outgoing and often comic shows in the Roman villa in a situation in memories, sound rural land and know things healthy. The concert is awaited sold out and what surrounds the stage is also very elegant, something sublime and romantic. An Englishman in Rome presented his latest album Secret, Profane & sugarcane that knows America and rivers of mud and whiskey. Bluegrass elegant, Nashville skyline from the sound, a short passage and perhaps prepared years ago so that Mr. Costello shortens the route between England and America. Songs that are contaminated by literature Nordic influences and Dylan, the songwriter does things that live well together and we are all curious to hear live.  
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Elvis is a free radical and songwriter who played with simplicity and dispassionate irony of notes that often other songwriters have made too heavy. A fine live show, a great atmosphere and a signature on the heart.  
Elvis is a free radical and songwriter who played with simplicity and dispassionate irony of notes that often other songwriters have made too heavy. A fine live show, a great atmosphere and a signature on the heart.  

''Original text:''
''Original text:''

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Elvis songwriter è un radicale libero e spassionato che gioca con semplicità e ironia tra le note che spesso altri cantautori hanno reso troppo pesanti. Un bel live, una bella atmosfera e una firma sul cuore.
Elvis songwriter è un radicale libero e spassionato che gioca con semplicità e ironia tra le note che spesso altri cantautori hanno reso troppo pesanti. Un bel live, una bella atmosfera e una firma sul cuore.

Latest revision as of 14:11, 23 July 2010

Elvis Costello [live]
Villa Adriana - Tivoli (RM)
Author Patrizio Maria

The beautiful and unusual setting of Villa Adriana in Tivoli is home to a British man born in London 50 years ago, his unique style of music, and bizarre chameleon, its elegance is underlined by this pair of black-framed glasses, which often make us think Buddy Holly of a day. Mr. Elvis Costello, the British singer-songwriter, colourful, outgoing and often comic shows in the Roman villa in a situation in memories, sound rural land and know things healthy. The concert is awaited sold out and what surrounds the stage is also very elegant, something sublime and romantic. An Englishman in Rome presented his latest album Secret, Profane & sugarcane that knows America and rivers of mud and whiskey. Bluegrass elegant, Nashville skyline from the sound, a short passage and perhaps prepared years ago so that Mr. Costello shortens the route between England and America. Songs that are contaminated by literature Nordic influences and Dylan, the songwriter does things that live well together and we are all curious to hear live.

Elvis is with his karma and his veganism, with his charm and his style is tickled by the musicians who accompany him on tour, The Sugarcanes. Inevitable colonial hat and black sunglasses, which come out from his elegant dress, holding a Gibson of the '60s, violin, bass, accordion, dobro, mandolin played in a percussive and harmonic does not miss the drums played with brushes. So the little house on the tree there and we are here to listen with our sins. Collaborations with Brian Eno seem distant in time, but here is a deep breath and American literature that echo the ancient road of Woody and Arlo Gutrie, Johnny Cash and Dylan. She handed me the mirror, Hidden Shame, Complicated Shadows, How deep is the red? . Elvis's latest album is very present live and Costello is very good to let us come into his head.

He swaps a few jokes and funny with the British public remains fascinated by the elegance and surrealism. There are plenty of classical music and historical re-arranged British chamaeleon as much more refined and simple. A soft sound coming and we like, we welcome and makes us feel that in this quell'arietta the torrid evening of July is missing. The raft has made his career and has accompanied the public Hadrian's Villa until the end of the route which was nice, diverse, historic and unusual. One litre of emotions and twenty songs still worth a smile.

Elvis is a free radical and songwriter who played with simplicity and dispassionate irony of notes that often other songwriters have made too heavy. A fine live show, a great atmosphere and a signature on the heart.

Original text:

La cornice meravigliosa ed insolita di Villa Adriana a Tivoli ospita un signore britannico nato a Londra negli anni 50, inconfondibile il suo stile musicale, camaleontico e bizzarro, la sua eleganza è sottolineata da quel paio di occhialoni con la montatura nera che spesso ci fanno pensare a un Buddy Holiday dei giorni nostri. Mr. Elvis Costello, il cantautore britannico, colorato, estroverso e spesso comico si presenta nella villa romana in una situazione da ricordi, di suoni rurali che sanno di terra e cose sane. Il concerto attesissimo è sould out e quello che circonda il palco anch'esso molto elegante è qualcosa di sublime e romantico. Un inglese a Roma che presenta il suo ultimo album Secret, Profane & Sugarcane che sa di America e fiumi, di fango e whisky. Bluegrass elegantissimo, skyline dal suono Nashville, un passaggio brevissimo e forse preparato anni fa quello del signor Costello che abbrevia la strada tra l'Inghilterra e l'America. Canzoni che sono contaminazioni di letteratura nordica e influenze dylaniane, cose che il cantautore fa convivere benissimo tra loro e noi tutti siamo curiosissimi di ascoltare live.

Elvis c'è con il suo karma e il suo veganismo, con il suo charme e il suo stile che viene solleticato dai musicisti che lo accompagnano nel tour, ovvero i Sugarcane. Immancabile cappello coloniale e occhiale nero, che escono fuori dal suo vestito elegante che regge una Gibson degli anni 60', violino, contrabbasso, fisarmonica, dobro, il mandolino suonato in maniera percussiva e armonica che non fa rimpiangere la batteria suonata con le spazzole. Insomma la casina sull'albero c'è e noi siamo qui ad ascoltare con i nostri peccati. Sembrano lontani i tempi delle collaborazioni con Brian Eno, ma qui si respira forte la letteratura americana e quel suono antico da strada di Woody e Arlo Gutrie,di Johnny Cash e Dylan. She handed me a mirror, Hidden shame, Complicated shadows, How deep is the red? . L' ultimo album è molto presente nel live e Costello è bravissimo a farcelo entrare in testa.

Scambia qualche battuta simpatica e britannica con il pubblico che rimane affascinato da tale eleganza e surrealismo. Non mancano i brani classici e storici del camaleonte inglese ri-arrangiati in veste molto più raffinata e semplice. Un suono morbido che arriva e ci piace, ci rallegra e ci fa sentire quell'arietta che in questa serata torrida di luglio manca. La zattera ha compiuto il suo percorso ed ha accompagnato il pubblico di Villa Adriana fino alla fine del tragitto che è stato piacevole, diverso, storico e insolito. Per un litro di emozioni e venti canzoni ancora vale la pena di sorridere.

Elvis songwriter è un radicale libero e spassionato che gioca con semplicità e ironia tra le note che spesso altri cantautori hanno reso troppo pesanti. Un bel live, una bella atmosfera e una firma sul cuore.