Austin Chronicle, September 24, 2004

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Austin Chronicle


Hot Fun in the Summertime

Austin City Limits Music Festival 2004 wrap-up

Melanie Haupt

Elvis Costello & the Imposters
Zilker Park, Sept. 19

If you could hear the din through the tin, you were luckier than most of the horde gathered at the Cingular stage late Sunday afternoon. Stymieing even the most seasoned ACL strategists, the powers that be conspired to keep enjoyment of the original Napoleon Dynamite at a minimum by jacking with the sound so violently as to inspire debate that the speakers might be oscillating, or perhaps being covered intermittently with a giant blanket. Launching the badly mixed, tinny set with no intro (or maybe there was, but we certainly didn't hear one), Costello & his Imposters kicked off their set with a wheeze rather than a bang. They finally kicked into high (but muffled) gear, the set list crowded with songs from Costello's latest album, The Delivery Man, including "Monkey to Man," "Country Darkness," and "Needle Time," which the gathered crowd of Declan devotees seemed to enjoy, despite the problems. Costello, clearly a madman, as evidenced by his tie and dark suit in the scorching September afternoon, delivered what seemed to be a serviceable set, but this assertion is based almost entirely upon visual evidence. None of the advantageous listening spots for this stage (top of the hill, right of the stage, behind the sound board) proved to be any more prime than the others. It's a shame that one of rock's elder statesmen ended up leaving the sweating crowd cold through no fault of his own. Perhaps we, like The Delivery Man, should blame it on Cain.


The Austin Chronicle, September 24, 2004

Melanie Haupt reviews Elvis Costello & The Imposters, Sunday, September 19, 2004, Zilker Park, Austin, TX.


File:Concert 2004-09-24 Austin photo 01 gm.jpg
Photo credit to Gary Miller


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