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Revision as of 00:53, 21 April 2006 by JohnH (talk | contribs)
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Lyrics - Credits - Discography - Covers - Bootlegs - Chords


Bells are chiming for victory
There's a page back in history
They came back to the world that they fought for
Didn't turn out just like they thought

Here is a song to sing to do the measuring
What did you lose?
What did you gain?
What did you win?

Nine years later a child is born
There's a record, so you put it on
Nine years more, if we're lucky now
Nine-year-old puts his money down
Every scratch, every click, every heartbeat
Every breath that I held for you
There's a stack of shellac and vinyl
Which is yours now and which is mine?

Here is a song to sing to do the measuring
What did you lose?
What did you gain?
What did you win?

Bass and treble heal every hurt
There's a rebel in a nylon shirt
But the words are a mystery, I've heard
'Til you turn it down to 33 and 1/3
'Cos it helps with the elocution
Corporations turn revolutions

So don't you weep and shed
Just change your name instead
What do you lose when it all goes to your head?

I heard something peculiar said:
"Perhaps he's got a shot and now he's dead"
Bells are chiming and tears are falling
It creeps up on you without a warning
Every scratch, every click, every heartbeat
Every breath that I bless
I'd be lost, I confess

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To add the lyrics:

1 - Open the old lyrics page in a another browser window.

2 - Find and then copy the lyrics (Ctrl+C).

3 - Click the red template above.

4 - Paste the lyrics (Ctrl+V).

5 - Then add an extra return between every line,

including breaks between stanzas.

6 - Use the Preview button to check the appearance,

and then the Save button.

7 - Then return to this page, click Edit, and remove these instructions.

Don't worry about making a mistake - everything can be fixed.


Elvis Costello
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  • none
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Various Artists collections:

  • none
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Recorded by:

  • none
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Performed by:

  • none
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