Trondheim Adresseavisen, July 31, 2013: Difference between revisions

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- I played with The Roots sometimes on talk show to [[Jimmy Fallon]], where they are husband. We had very good chemistry and decided to see what we could achieve if we went into the studio together, says Elvis Costello.  
- I played with The Roots sometimes on talk show to [[Jimmy Fallon]], where they are husband. We had very good chemistry and decided to see what we could achieve if we went into the studio together, says Elvis Costello.  

Thursday plays Elvis Costello in [[Borggården]] St. Olav Festival, not with the hip-hop group [[The Roots]], but with his usual backing band The Imposter.  
On Thursday plays Elvis Costello in [[Borggården]] St. Olav Festival, not with the hip-hop group [[The Roots]], but with his usual backing band The Imposters.  

From The Roots-operation was the song "[[Walk Us Uptown]]" just released, and the autumn Elvis Costello & The Roots album "[[Wise Up Ghost]]." They did not deal with any record company when they went into the studio, but suddenly they had recorded an album. Now the album is released on the legendary jazz label [[Blue Note]].  
From The Roots-operation was the song "[[Walk Us Uptown]]" just released, and the autumn Elvis Costello & The Roots album "[[Wise Up Ghost]]." They did not deal with any record company when they went into the studio, but suddenly they had recorded an album. Now the album is released on the legendary jazz label [[Blue Note]].  
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'''From punk to chamber music'''  
'''From punk to chamber music'''  

Elvis Costello's career began at the pub in the early 70s. Some years later he was part of London's punk and new wave, and he had his breakthrough with debut album "My Aim Is True" in 1977 Since then, Costello was there. He has worked with rock, jazz, bluegrass, chamber music and country, to name a few. But now it is something new.  
Elvis Costello's career began at the pub in the early 70s. Some years later he was part of London's punk and new wave, and he had his breakthrough with his debut album "[[My Aim Is True]]" in 1977Since then, Costello was there. He has worked with rock, jazz, bluegrass, chamber music and country, to name a few. But now it is something new.  

- What was your relationship with hiphop before you started working with The Roots?  
- What was your relationship with hiphop before you started working with The Roots?  

Revision as of 13:44, 5 October 2014

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Trondheim Adresseavisen


Musikknomade uten fast sjanger

Trondheimsaktuelle Elvis Costello kommer med hiphopalbum til høsten. 58-åringen håper han ikke blir helt fornøyd.

Kjetil Kopren Ullebø

– Jeg spilte sammen med The Roots noen ganger på talkshowet til Jimmy Fallon, hvor de er husband. Vi fikk veldig god kjemi og bestemte oss for å se hva vi kunne få til dersom vi gikk i studio sammen, sier Elvis Costello.

Torsdag spiller Elvis Costello i Borggården under Olavsfestdagene, ikke med hiphop-gruppen The Roots, men med sitt vanlige backingband The Imposters.

Fra The Roots-samarbeidet ble låten "Walk Us Uptown" akkurat sluppet, og til høsten kommer Elvis Costello & The Roots med albumet "Wise Up Ghost". De hadde ikke avtale med noe plateselskap da de gikk i studio, men plutselig hadde de spilt inn et helt album. Nå skal platen gis det ut på den legendariske jazz-labelen Blue Note.

– Det var kanskje litt risky slik bransjen er nå, men vi var vel aldri redde for at ingen ville gi det ut, sier Costello og ler.

Fra punk til kammermusikk

Elvis Costellos karriere begynte på puben tidlig på 70-tallet. Noen år senere var han del av Londons punk- og nyveivmiljø, og han fikk sitt gjennombrudd med debutalbumet "My Aim Is True" i 1977. Siden den gang har Costello vært der. Han har jobbet med rock, jazz, bluegrass, kammermusikk og country, for å nevne noe. Men nå er det altså noe nytt.

– Hva var ditt forhold til hiphop før du begynte å jobbe med The Roots?

– Jeg husker jeg hørte Grandmaster Flashs "The Message" (legendarisk hiphop-singel journ.anm.) da den kom i 1982. Jeg forsto at låten betydde veldig mye og at den sa noe om en desperasjon og en virkelighet som jeg ikke tilhørte, men likevel kunne sympatisere med. Jeg ville ikke etterligne denne kulturen, men "The Message" påvirket meg likevel, sier Costello.

Musikkens Kevin Bacon

Men Costello, som er gift med den kjente jazzsangeren Diana Krall, er egentlig ikke interessert i å snakke om sjangre.

– Jeg liker kammermusikk, men det betyr ikke at jeg liker all kammermusikk. Jeg liker jazz, men det betyr ikke at jeg liker all jazz. Det samme gjelder hiphop. Men disse sjangerbetegnelsene betyr ingenting. Det er bare musikk som betyr noe, sier han.

Costello er en yndet samarbeidspartner, og har jobbet med artister som Annie Lennox, Burt Bacharach og strykekvartetten Brodsky Quartet. Han har også produsert album for artister som The Pogues og The Specials.

Costello er blitt omtalt som musikkens Kevin Bacon. Skuespilleren har fått et spill oppkalt etter seg, som går ut på å finne den korteste veien mellom en tilfeldig valgt skuespiller og ham, en vei som aldri er lang på grunn av Bacons svært omfattende og varierte karriere. Slik skal det angivelig også være med Elvis Costello i musikkens verden.

Frarådet kjøp av plate

Men Costello har ikke bare venner i musikkbransjen. Han er stor i kjeften og har aldri vært redd for å gå i krigen. I 2011, for eksempel, gikk Costello ut og oppfordret britiske fans til ikke å kjøpe hans siste plate. Plateselskapet Universal hadde gitt ut en spesiell boks med Costellos musikk, til rundt 2000 kroner. Costello sa at prisen enten måtte være trykkefeil eller et forsøk på satire, og han ba fansen styre unna.

I et intervju med i 2009 sa Costello at han ikke kunne forstå at Oasis' Noel Gallagher kunne nevne sitt eget navn i samme setning som Paul McCartneys, og at Gallagher lever i den villfarelsen at han i det hele tatt er en låtskriver. Costello sier at han har mistet oversikt over hva han faktisk har sagt, og hva folk hevder han har sagt.

– Jeg har gitt så mange intervjuer at jeg har mistet all oversikt. Og i en viss periode hadde jeg kanskje ikke så god kontroll på hva jeg liret av meg. Men ofte blir ting som er sagt om meg, forvekslet med hva jeg faktisk har sagt, sier Costello.

Veksler mellom 150 låter

The Attractions var Elvis Costellos backingband fra 1978 til 1986, deres første innspilling var den kjente singelen "(I don't want to go to) Chelsea", og igjen i en periode på 90-tallet. Hans backingband nå er The Imposters, som er en videreføring av The Attractions.

Når Elvis Costello og The Imposters nå kommer til Trondheim, er det med 150 sanger i kofferten. Hva de spiller, bestemmer de seg ofte for mens de står på scenen.

– Det får oss til å være skjerpet, og det gjør at låtene holder seg litt friskere. Det er viktig å ikke stivne i ett sett. Det er farlig å bli tilfreds, og jeg håper jeg aldri blir helt fornøyd, sier Elvis Costello.


Adresseavisen, July 31, 2013

Kjetil Kopren Ullebø previews Elvis Costello and The Imposters on Thursday August 1, 2013 at Olav Festival, Borggården, Trondheim, Norway.


2013-06-29 Pilton photo 01 scanpix.jpg
HIPHOP NESTE: Til høsten kommer Elvis Costellos nye album, der han begir seg inn i hiphopsjangeren sammen med The Roots. Men på konserten under Olavsfestdagene torsdag er det hans faste band The Imposters som stiller på scenen. Her er Costello under Glastonbury-festivalen i Juni. FOTO: SCANPIX, REUTERS

Musical Nomad no fixed genre

Trondheim - Recent Elvis Costello arrived with hiphop album this fall. 58-year-old hopes he is not completely satisfied.

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- I played with The Roots sometimes on talk show to Jimmy Fallon, where they are husband. We had very good chemistry and decided to see what we could achieve if we went into the studio together, says Elvis Costello.

On Thursday plays Elvis Costello in Borggården St. Olav Festival, not with the hip-hop group The Roots, but with his usual backing band The Imposters.

From The Roots-operation was the song "Walk Us Uptown" just released, and the autumn Elvis Costello & The Roots album "Wise Up Ghost." They did not deal with any record company when they went into the studio, but suddenly they had recorded an album. Now the album is released on the legendary jazz label Blue Note.

- It was perhaps a bit risky as the industry is now, but we were never really afraid that no one would give it out, Costello says, laughing.

From punk to chamber music

Elvis Costello's career began at the pub in the early 70s. Some years later he was part of London's punk and new wave, and he had his breakthrough with his debut album "My Aim Is True" in 1977. Since then, Costello was there. He has worked with rock, jazz, bluegrass, chamber music and country, to name a few. But now it is something new.

- What was your relationship with hiphop before you started working with The Roots?

- I remember I heard Grandmaster Flash's "The Message" (legendary hip-hop single) When it came out in 1982 I realized that the song meant a lot and it said something about a desperation and a reality that I did not belong, but still could sympathize with. I would not emulate this culture, but "The Message" affected me yet, says Costello.

Music's Kevin Bacon

But Costello, who is married to the famous jazz singer Diana Krall, is not really interested in talking about genres.

- I like chamber music, but that does not mean I like all chamber music. I like jazz, but that does not mean I like all jazz. The same is true of hiphop. But these genre designations mean nothing. It's just music that matters, he says.

Costello is a favorite collaborator, and has worked with artists such as Annie Lennox, Burt Bacharach and string quartet Brodsky Quartet. He has also produced albums for artists such as The Pogues and The Specials.

Costello has been described as music's Kevin Bacon. The actor has got a game named after him, which is to find the shortest path between a randomly chosen actor and him, a road that is never long because of Bacon's very extensive and varied career. So it will apparently be with Elvis Costello in the world of music.

Deprecated purchase of album

But Costello has not only friends in the music industry. He is a big mouth and has never been afraid to go to war. In 2011, for example, Costello went out and invited British fans not to buy his latest album. The record company Universal had released a special box set with Costello's music, to around 2000 million. Costello said that the price must either be pressure error or an attempt at satire, and he asked the fans to steer clear.

In an interview in 2009, Costello said that he could not understand that Oasis' Noel Gallagher could not mention his name in the same sentence as Paul McCartney's, and that Gallagher lives in the delusion that he at all is a songwriter. Costello says he has lost track of what he actually said and what people claim he said.

- I have given so many interviews that I've lost all track. And for a time I might not be so good control over what rattled me. But often things that are said about me, confused with what I actually said, says Costello.

Switch between 150 tracks

The Attractions was Elvis Costello's backing band from 1978 to 1986, their first recording was the famous single " (I do not want to go to) Chelsea "and again for a period of the '90s. His backing band is now The Imposters, which is a continuation of The Attractions.

When Elvis Costello and The Imposters now coming to Trondheim, there are 150 songs in your suitcase. What they play, they decide often while on stage.

- It causes us to be sharpened, and it makes the songs stays a bit fresher. It is important not to harden in one set. It is dangerous to be complacent, and I hope I never completely satisfied, says Elvis Costello.


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