Danas, July 15, 2013

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Gentski džez festival, 12. put

U belgijskom gardu Gentu se od do 20. jula održava dvanaesto izdanje jednog od najrenomiranijih evropskih džez festivala na kome se okupljaju najveći svetski muzičari. Ove godine program je posebno bogat. Na festivalu će biti zastupljene sve varijante džeza, a nastupiće najtraženija imena kao što su: Brajan Feri, Dajana Krol, Elvis Kostelo, Džon Zorn, Džejmi Kalum...

Di Di Bridžvoter, čuvena američka džez pevačica, dobitnica tri Gremi nagrade, otvorila je festival, a posle nje nastupio je američki saksofonista Džo Lovano sa briselskim džez orkestrom.

Organizatori su ove godine posebno zadovoljni realizacijom svog ambicioznog programa, jer je druge večeri festivala nastupila Dajana Krol, jedna od najtraženijih džez pevačica i pijanistkinja poznata po svom kontralt vokalu. Kao većina njenih albuma i poslednji „Glad Rag Doll“ (2012) doživeo je ogroman uspeh i prodat je u više miliona primeraka.

Usledilo je veče u potpunosti posvećeno sjajnom avangardnom saksofonisti i multiinstrumentalisti Džonu Zornu. On ove godine puni šezdeset godina , tako da je u Gentu nastupio sa projektom „Zorn at 60“ u društvu velikih džezera kao što su: Džon Medeski, Majk Paton, Mark Ribo i drugi. Na njegovu inicijativu organizovana je i izložba mladih nezavisnih umetnika pod nazivom „The Art of the Obsessions Collective“.

Nesumnjivo najveću pažnju privukao je koncert Brajan Feri Orkestra 15. jula. Feri je ovaj bend osnovao u želji da izvodi isključivo kompozicije iz dvadesetih godina prošlog veka. Poslednji album u ovom stilu je izdao prošle godine pod nazivom „Le Jazz Age“.

Ovogodišnji festival će zatvoriti Elvis Kostelo sa svojim bendom „The Imposters“, a treba pomenuti i nastup izuzetnog Džejmi Kaluma kao i džez pevačice iz Teksasa Ket Edmonson u prvom delu večeri, koja je postigla neverovatan uspeh svojim albumom „Take it to the sky“. U Gent dolazi da predstavi publici svoj novi album „Way Down Low“ inspirisan muzikom Kola Portera.

Na gentskom podijumu prve korake napravili mnogi, svetski poznati muzičari, zato su organizatori potvrdili da će i ove godine nastaviti sa tradicijom otkrivanja novih talenata i da će posebno mesto ostaviti mladim muzičarima.

Nagrada „Creative City of Music“, koju UNESCO dodeljuje gradovima sa originalnim muzičkim projektima, grad Gent je dobio zahvaljujući izuzetno inventivnim događanjima među kojima je i džez festival, na kome je prošle godine bilo 36.000 posetilaca uprkos lošim vremenskim uslovima.

Svi koncerti se održavaju na otvorenom prostoru, u interesantnom okruženju, u kome se mešaju istorijska zdanja i moderni objekti.


Danas, July 15, 2013

Mina Aksentijević previews Elvis Costello and the Imposters on Saturday 20 July 2013 at Gent Jazz Festival, Ghent, Belgium.

Gent Jazz Festival, the 12th time

English Translation via Google Translate

The Belgian City of Ghent to 20 July will hold the twelfth edition of one of the most renowned European jazz festivals where they gather the largest world musicians. This year the program is particularly rich. The festival will be representative of all varieties of jazz, and will perform the most sought after names such as Bryan Ferry, Diana Krall, Elvis Costello, John Zorn, Jamie Cullum ...

Di Di Bridgwater, the famous American jazz singer, winner of three Grammy awards, opened the festival, and after it appeared American saxophonist Joe Lovano with the Brussels Jazz Orchestra.

The organisers of this year especially satisfied with the realization of its ambitious program, it was the second night of the festival featured Diana Krall, one of the most sought-after jazz singer and pianist known for her contralto vocals. Like most of her last album and "Glad Rag Doll" (2012) has experienced a huge success and was sold to several million copies.

There followed a night completely dedicated to the brilliant avant-garde saxophonists and multi-instrumentalists to John Zorn. He was full of sixty years, so it's in Ghent performed with the project, "Zorn at 60" in the company of great džezera such as John Medeski, Mike Paton, Marc Ribot and others. On his initiative, organized an exhibition of young independent artists titled "The Art of the Obsessions Collective".

Undoubtedly the greatest attention is drawn to Bryan Ferry Orchestra concert on July 15th. Feri this band founded in the desire to perform only the composition of the twenties of the last century. The last album in this style was released last year called "Le Jazz Age."

This year's festival will close with Elvis Costello with his band "The Imposters", and should mention the exceptional performance Jamie Cullum as well as jazz female vocalists from Texas Ket Edmonson in the first part of the evening, which has achieved incredible success of his album "Take it to the sky. "In Gent comes to show the audience his new album "Way Down Low" inspired by the music Rounds Porter.

On the podium gentskom first steps made ​​by many, world renowned musicians, because the organizers have confirmed that this year will continue the tradition of discovering new talents and will leave a special place for young musicians.

The "Creative City of Music", awarded by UNESCO cities with original music projects, the city of Ghent got its extraordinarily inventive events including the Jazz Festival, where last year there were 36,000 visitors despite poor weather conditions.

All concerts are held outdoors, in an interesting environment in which to interfere historic buildings and modern facilities.


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