Elvis Costello - 1982-09-12 Oxford (incomplete)

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<<   1982-09-12 Oxford

Elvis Costello And The Attractions
Apollo Theatre
Oxford, England
12 September 1982

01. Accidents Will Happen
02. Green Shirt
03. Pidgin English
04. Hand In Hand
05. Shabby Doll
06. Back Stabbers - King Horse
07. ...And In Every Home
08. Watching The Detectives - Help Me - including Pontiac Blues
09. The Long Honeymoon
10. You Little Fool
11. Watch Your Step
12. Kid About It
13. Temptation
14. From Head To Toe
15. High Fidelity
16. You Belong To Me
17. New Lace Sleeves
18. Alison - including Living A Little, Laughing A Little
19. Beyond Belief
20. Clubland
21. Imperial Bedroom


Elvis Costello - vocals, guitar
Steve Nieve - keyboards
Bruce Thomas - bass guitar
Pete Thomas - drums

Recorder: Unknown
Lineage: Unknown

Comments by area51GM:

40 years on ............................................ Another very acceptable audience recording, sadly only comprising of the first 21 sings of the concert. For once from this tour, I needed to tweak the speed up by around 22 cents to get it in key but otherwise a very satisfactory recording which may well have been one of the last concerts from this tour that I managed to track down. Once again "Watch Your Step" gets shuffled further down the running order and the U.K. single "You Little Fool" gets shuffled into the pack. It's interesting to consider that the run of songs from "From head To Toe" to "Alison" consisted almost entirely of either hit singles or tracks that must have been considered as potential singles and represent some of his finest earliest songwriting. Perhaps the fairest reflection of this performance, including details of tracks missed at the end of this recording are seen in Graham K. Smith's review in the N.M.E. which can be viewed here : - http://www.elviscostello.info/wiki/index.php/New_Musical_Express,_September_18,_1982 The recording offered here still seems to reflect the perceptive and intelligent review and shows just what a sublime performing unit these four gentlemen had evolved into. Lineage : TDK SA90 cassette > Nakamichi DR3 (no dolby) > NAD 660 CDR > EAC > Nero Platinum for track separation and pitch adjustment > TLH > FLAC > you