Los Angeles Times, March 12, 2013

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Elvis Costello to appear on La Santa Cecilia album

Reed Johnson

La Santa Cecilia, the alt-Latino L.A. band led by frontwoman chanteuse La Marisoul, will have at least one high-profile collaborator on its upcoming major-label debut album, “Treinta Dias” (Thirty Days).

Elvis Costello will appear on a duet, “Losing Game,” on the new record, scheduled for an early May release. Here’s what he had to say about the partnership in a press release:

“Since La Marisoul and I traded Spanish and English verses on ‘Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood’ at the Wiltern Theatre, a year ago, I hoped that we might have a chance to sing together again. So I was delighted to be asked to write a few lines for the song, ‘Losing Game’ and trade lines and harmonise with La Marisoul again. In the midst of power and joy in these new recordings of La Santa Cecilia, I also feel one of the best cuts you will hear this year is ‘ El Hielo’ - a sympathetic and seductive argument of a song.”

Costello’s reference is to the first-released single from the album, “El Hielo (ICE),” a plaintive, bossa-nova-ish tune about hardworking migrants trying to survive in the United States while under the probing gaze of Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

Meanwhile, La Santa Cecilia will be performing four showcases at SXSW.

Tags: La Santa CeciliaLa MarisoulTreinta DiasLosing GameDon't Let Me Be MisunderstoodConcert 2012-04-17 Los AngelesWiltern Theatre

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Los Angeles Times, March 12, 2013

Reed Johnson reports on Elvis recording Losing Game on La Santa Cecilia: Treinta Dias.


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