Mladina, September 27, 2013

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Elvis Costello and The Roots: Wise Up Ghost

2013, Blue Note
+ + + +

Skupina The Roots je ena glavnih fac sodobnega ameriškega hiphopa. Elvis Costello je ena glavnih fac širše popularne glasbe.

Od "newwavovskih" začetkov velja za glasbenega kameleona, ki suvereno slalomira med neštetimi žanri, spotoma pa obudi še kakšen retro slog. Bolj kot rodno britansko okolje je definiral ameriško, saj tam živi že petindvajset let, po nekem očitno ne ravno posrečenem koncertu na megafestivalu Glastonbury pa je v eni od značilnih grobih izjav dejal, da mu je vseeno tudi, če v Angliji ne nastopi nikoli več.

Na papirju gre torej za nekakšno sanjsko, skoraj zvezdniško navezo pod taktirko Elvisa Costella in bobnarja skupine The Roots Questlova. Projekt je zbudil še toliko več zanimanja, ker je zasedba The Roots danes nekaj povsem drugega, kakor je bila pred petimi leti. Namreč, zadnja štiri leta je neločljiva od televizijske oddaje Late Night With Jimmy Fallon. Tam se je udomačila kot hišna skupina, kot točna, natančna, udarna in podmazana mašina.

Plošček Wise Up Ghost naj bi nastajal brez pritiska, kadar so v natrpanem urniku le našli čas, snemali so ga tudi v garderobi, na začetku pa niso vedeli, ali delajo le en komad ali malo ploščo. Izkazalo se je, da so delali kar dolgometražec. Rootsi tokrat seveda niso Rootsi, ki so zaznamovali zadnjih dvajset let hiphopa. To so Rootsi, ki so zaznamovali oddajo Late Night With Jimmy Fallon. So spremljevalna skupina, ki disciplinirano podlaga Costella. Ta naj bi bil skice komadov in besedila pisal le na bobnarske zanke, ki mu jih je dostavil Questlove. Aranžmaji so povsem šolski, vsak element, vsak refren pride na vrsto točno tam, kjer bi ga pričakovali. In tu doživimo največje razočaranje: na albumu ne slišimo niti enega značilnega raperskega vložka prvega mikrofona Rootsov, emsija Black Thoughta. Slišimo le Costella, ki se v besedilih seveda dotakne tudi novih razsežnosti ere Big Brotherja, rdeča nit pa so bistre predelave in reference na njegov starejši material. Wise Up Ghost ima tako, ironično, več apila za fene Jimmyja Fallona kot za fene hišne skupine njegove oddaje. Predvsem pa seveda cilja na fene Elvisa Costella.

Bojazen, da bi projekt učinkoval pretirano klasično popevkarsko, je odveč. Prevladuje ležerno, povsem obvladaško nametavanje edinstvenih gruvov, ki nas spomnijo na zlato ero hiphopa, pa tudi na skoraj pol stoletja stari sladko-grenki soul založbe Stax. Gre torej za tisto vrsto zavajajoče lahkotnosti, ko vse zveni tako preprosto, pa v resnici ni. Fantje so samo, kakor je značilno za glasbenike delavce, vpete v ameriško glasbeno industrijo, popolnoma uigrani. Prijeten posluh in plošča, s katere se čez deset let nekaterih delov ne bo dobro spomnil niti Elvis Costello. Po predpisih.


Mladina, September 27 2013

Mladina reviews Wise Up Ghost

Elvis Costello and The Roots: Wise Up Ghost

2013, Blue Note
+ + + +

English via Google Translate...

The Roots are one of the main contemporary American hip-hop groups. Elvis Costello is one of the main artists in widely popular music. From "new wave" beginnings applies to the musical chameleon that sovereign slaloming between numerous genres, the way it recovers even some retro style. More than native British environment was defined by the U.S. since lived there twenty-five years after an apparently not very felicitous concert at the huge Glastonbury festival is one of the typical harsh statements said that he does not care even if he never plays in England ever again. On paper, it is therefore a kind of dreamy, almost stellar convoy under the baton of Elvis Costello and Questlove, drummer of The Roots. The project has aroused even more interest because the band The Roots today is completely different than it was five years ago. Indeed, the last four years is has been inseparable from the TV show Late Night With Jimmy Fallon. There is tame as a domestic group, as accurate, precise striking and lubricated clears.

So Wise Up Ghost could evolve without the pressure when the busy schedule just find the time to shoot him in the locker room at the beginning but did not know if they work only one song or a little plate. It turns out that they have worked with dolgometražec. Roots time, of course, not roots, which marked the last twenty years of hip-hop. These are the roots that have marked the submission of Late Night With Jimmy Fallon. Fringe group, a disciplined basis Costello. This should be sketches songs and lyrics written only on drum loops, which are delivered Questlove. Arrangements are totally school, every element, every chorus comes in at exactly where you would expect. And here we experience the biggest disappointment: the album do not hear a single characteristic of the first microphone input Rap Roots, Emission of Black Thought. We hear only Costello, who in the course texts also highlight new dimensions era Big Brother, the common thread is the clear recovery and references to his older material. Wise Up Ghost has also, ironically, more drunk for fans of Jimmy Fallon as a pet for fans of the group's shows. Above all, the course is aimed at fans of Elvis Costello.

Feared that the project would effect excessively classic popevkarsko is superfluous. Dominated leisurely, completely obvladaško nametavanje unique gruvov, which remind us of the golden era of hip-hop, as well as almost half a century old sweet-bitter soul label Stax. It is therefore misleading for the kind of lightness when all sounds so simple, but really is not. Guys are just as characteristic of the musicians workers are trapped in the American music industry, completely typically brave. A pleasant ear and plate, from which ten years some parts will be well remembered even Elvis Costello. Accordance with the regulations.


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