Norwich Evening News, November 1, 1984

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Norwich Evening News

UK & Ireland newspapers


Great songs — but the voice!

Clive Lindsay

Times change — crowds may not gob at Elvis Costello any more, now he spits at them.

It is not deliberate, just an indication of the enthusiasm he purveys on stage, and which last night gave the UEA crowd their money's worth.

For more than two hours, through pursed lips he cursed his way through some famous choruses.

Elvis has written some classics in his time but the inadequacies of his backing band do not do them justice on stage. More to the point, he would do us all a favour if he stuck to song writing and left the vocals to someone who can sing.

Support band The Pogues seem to have been on the front page of every conceivable music magazine recently.

They are certainly interesting and very funny but why so much hype about a bunch of seemingly drunken Irish lads who, while acting like folk music's answer to The Clash, are merely doing what people like The Clancy Brothers have been so successful at since the 60s?


Eastern Evening News, November 1, 1984

Clive Lindsay reviews Elvis Costello & The Attractions and opening act The Pogues, Wednesday, October 31, 1984, UEA LCR, University of East Anglia, Norwich, England.


1984-11-01 Norwich Evening News clipping 01.jpg


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