Smash Hits, March 5, 1981

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Smash Hits


From A Whisper To A Scream

Elvis Costello

David Hepworth

And where better to kick off this issue's consumer guide to all things black and plastic than in the company of the two most vital male performers on the planet? (This is not a matter of opinion. I can prove this scientifically.)

E.C. serves up another gem-like effort from the mighty Trust (every home should have at least one) and this time it's to be hoped that a few hundred thousand people do some serious purchasing. A rare rocker from the Costello pen, this smouldering item starts running as on as it hits the pavement, strewing brilliant verbal shafts hither and thither and gaining an extra dimension from the vocal contributions of Mr Tilbrook of Squeeze. As The Attractions make as if to screw the lid down, Elvis orders up full steam for the tag line "like a finger running down a seam" to which the Tilbrook tenor responds with the title. Potent stuff all right, and encouraging news for all of us who hope Costello will bring out the same vital tension in the next Squeeze album.

The second single from the new Springsteen double is not such a happy choice. It works better as just one small but vital scene in the epic movie that is The River. Our Bruce, y'see, is stuck in traffic — which is bad news for such an automotive personality — and, as if that wasn't enough, his mother in law is back seat driving in a very bossy fashion. Bruce is note happy man. Meanwhile the E-Street band are trying to lift his depression by a-honkin' and a-hollerin' and a-paaartyin. in the background. I like it mightily but if you take my word in matters Bruce you're crazier than I suspected. The 'B' side, "Be True," is a previously unreleased track. Going to see him in March? Just teasing.

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Smash Hits, March 5 - 18, 1981

David Hepworth reviews "From A Whisper To A Scream" and "Sherry Darling" by Bruce Springsteen.

The lyrics to "From A Whisper To A Scream" are featured on page 10.

The Gigz page includes 11 dates on the 1981 A Tour To Trust.


"From A Whisper To A Scream" review "From A Whisper To A Scream" lyrics
Page scans.

Photo by Jill Furmanovsky.
1981-03-05 Smash Hits photo 01 jf.jpg

Cover and page scans.
1981-03-05 Smash Hits cover.jpg 1981-03-05 Smash Hits page 02.jpg 1981-03-05 Smash Hits page 50.jpg


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