Everyday I Play The Boot



    SIDE 1:                             SIDE 2:
       Let Them All Talk                   Kid About It
       Possession                          Mystery Dance
       Watching The Detectives             Shabby Doll
       Secondary Modern                    Pidgin English
       The Greatest Thing                  Hand In Hand
       Man Out Of Time                     New Lace Sleeves
    SIDE 3:                             SIDE 4:
       Big Sister's Clothes                Clowntime Is Over
       You Belong To Me                    Tears Before Bedtime
       Clubland                            High Fidelity
       Everyday I Write The Book           T.K.O. (Boxing Day)
       Watch Your Step                     I Can't Stand Up For Falling Down
       Backstabbers/King Horse             Pump It Up


Release Information:

     Date  |    Media| Catalogue number (comments)
|    ______|2xLP(+7")| Off-Beat (COS-1,2,3,4 inscribed on discs)


    Almost the complete set from Pier 84, NYC, 10-Aug-83. This was originally
   released with the first 2 songs badly mismastered. The rest of both discs
    was fine, pretty standard bootleg quality. Shortly afterwards the
    bootlegger released a 7" with corrected versions of the tracks. It was
    supposed to be given away free to people who had already bought the album.
    (Honour among thieves!) The single came in a plain white sleeve with
    record labels that were different to the album labels, but in the same
    style: a comic-book-like picture of a man in a fedora reading a newspaper,
    orange on one side and white on the other (no type).


ECIS reports that copy quality of this audience recording varies from very good mono to poor. The fine playing from EC+A & the TKO Horns makes up for the shartfall in quality. The version of "Tears Before Bedtime" with the Horns is probably quite unusual. This has such bad sound quality that I didn't even bother to tape it! - Melinda Hale {xmelinda@iglou.com} (Maybe Melinda had a mismastered copy!)