Main Attraction


Tracks - [66:22]

      Accidents Will Happen (3:46)        The Birds Will Still Be Singing
      Little Atoms (5:26)                  (listed as "Banish") (4:52)
      Pump It Up (3:33)                   Upon A Veil Of Midnight Blue
      Why Can't A Man Stand Alone (3:44)   (listed as "Tongue Is Tied") (5:23)
      Riot Act (listed as "Wide Eyed")    All This Useless Beauty (4:36)
       (4:10)                             You Bowed Down (4:32)
      Veronica (4:08)                     Complicated Shadows (4:20)
      Indoor Fireworks (4:43)             Watching The Detectives (5:03)
      Pills And Soap (4:43)               I Want To Vanish (3:21)


Release Information:

     Date  | Media| Catalogue number (comments)
     96____|    CD| Kiss The Stone KTS-598


|   MONO soundboard recording of the Later Show in London, 7-Jul-96. This
|   show was officially released on the 'A Case For Song' video.


Sound is OK and slightly better than Later, but there's too much use of noise compression again - Dean Martucci {}