Slash, April 1978

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Stiffs Live

Claude Bessy

What a month! Either sampler LPs or useless first shots by various oddballs. This one is a live record of the Stiff artists on tour, with Ian Dury and the Blockheads, Nick Lowe's Last Chicken in the Shop, Elvis Costello and the Attractions, Wreckless Eric and the New Rockets and Larry Wallis' Psychedelic Rowdies. This may be Stiff's last attempt at cashing in on Costello and Lowe since the two are no longer on the label. If you like these various groups this album will thrill you forever as it thrilled the enthusiastic audiences they played to; if not, skip it, pal, it won't make you change your mind.

A couple of mild highlights on first side: "Semaphore Signals" by Wreckless Eric (who follows it with a horrendous country western turd of a tune) is a bit John Cale-like in intensity and sound, and "Police Car" by Larry Wallis is kind of good but slow and predictable. Side 2 has Elvis Costello doing below average stuff (not much of it) and Ian Dury doing limey disco and music hall. Everyone joins in for the "Sex drug rock n roll and chaos" grande finale. The chaos bit is not a concession to punk ideals. It's a description of the overall effect of the song on your ears. More good time music having just the opposite effect on the listener


Slash, No. 9, April 1978

Claude Bessy reviews Live Stiffs.


1978-04-00 Slash page 29.jpg
Page scan.

1978-04-00 Slash cover.jpg


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