Elvis Costello songs in film and television

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Almost Grown - 'Peace Love and Understanding' was the theme song to the pilot of this short-lived CBS TV series (1988).

Americathon - features 'Crawling to the USA', 'Wednesday Week'

The Big Lebowski - features 'My Mood Swings' during a bowling scene, and in a walkman while Jeff Bridges is waiting in a doctor's office.

The Bodyguard - features 'Peace, Love and Understanding (written by N. Lowe)' in the closing credits

Club Paradise - features 'Seven Day Weekend' in opening credits

The Courier - stars EC's wife, Cait O'Riordan - features 8 instrumentals composed and arranged by EC

'The Family' (BBC series). EC contributed 4 unreleased songs to play over the credits of 4 episodes. Week 1: 'Step inside love' (Lennon/McCartney) Week 2: 'You`ve got to hide your love away' (Lennon/McCartney) Week 3: 'Sticks and Stones' (Titus Turner) Week 4: 'Kinder Murder' from BY.

Georgia - features cover rendition of 'Almost Blue' by Jennifer Jason Leigh After she performs it in the film, someone compliments her for it and she corrects him by saying 'Thank Mr. Costello - he wrote it'

Get Over It - Alison is sung twice in this movie starring Kirsten Dunst of 2 young men trying to woo the same young lady: - 1 young man sings Alison to her from her rooftop whilst drunk - the other sings it as his audition for the school play

Grace of My Heart - features 'Unwanted Number' by EC and 'God Give Me Strength' by Burt Bacharach and EC.

GBH (Grievous Bodily Harm) TV Series Soundtrack (All instrumentals)

I Want You - features love scene with 'I Want You' playing in the background.

Jake's Progress - Soundtrack to the TV series (series of short orchestral pieces)

Let's Get Lost - Chet Baker does cover version of 'Almost Blue'

Mad About You - soundtrack for the TV series includes 'Sneaky Feelings'

Metroland - movie soundtrack includes `Alison'

Party Party - EC does the title track

PCU - Mudhoney does a cover of 'Pump it Up' that can be heard during the ultimate frisbee game and over the closing credits.

Scully (British TV show) - 'Turning the Town Red' is theme song.

Self Catering (made for TV movie) - features 'I Can't Stand Up For Falling 'Down' and 'Pump it Up'

Short Cuts -- Nightclub singer Annie Ross sings 'Punishing Kiss' in this film.

Straight To Hell - features 'A Town Called Big Nothing'

That Summer - 'Chelsea' appears on the soundtrack of this British film.

Until the End of the World - features Elvis cover of the Kinks' 'Days'

War of the Buttons - The original Irish version of this film featured 'Life Shrinks' over the credits, but was dropped in later versions.

The Wedding Singer - features 'Everyday I Write the Book' in the soundtrack.

Zero Effect - Mystery Dance is played over the opening credits of this Ben Stiller movie.