Storius Magazine, June 15, 2019

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Storius Magazine



Photographing Elvis Costello

The devil made me do it

Tom Zimberoff

For my 1989 cover of Spy magazine, Elvis Costello sat for a three-hour-long make-up session in a San Francisco studio to become — ta-da! — Lucifer. In addition to the horns, pointed ears, facial hair, and fingernails, we painted his skin. Notice the subtle background shadow evincing his caudal extremity.

Elvis graciously posed in front of my 4" x 5" view camera for several hours more, including before he left, one portrait in black-and-white as himself.

The telephone number on the business card he’s proffering so devilishly — a real working landline — belonged, at the time, to none other than, as Spy put it, "that ubiquitous, short-fingered vulgarian, Queens-born casino profiteer Donald Trump." They had his number way back. Well, today, you can dial the White House and give the schmuck a piece of your mind: (202) 456-1414.

More recently, I scanned my transparency film and Photoshop-ed the business card to read Beelzebub. I still use that Montblanc fountain pen daily.

Tags: Spy magazineSan FranciscoWhite HouseTom Zimberoff


Storius Magazine, June 15, 2019

Tom Zimberoff recalls photographing EC for the the cover of Spy magazine, June 1989.


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